Feature spotlight: Actionable notifications
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Feature spotlight: Actionable notifications

Stay in your flow and avoid task switching with Actionable Notifications. Take action directly from your notifications — push content through workflows, approve it and more — straight from Slack, MS Teams, email,and many other common business platforms. Stay within the flow of your task, get work done faster and speed up content creation with more efficient publication experiences.


Introducing actionable notifications in Brightspot! Interact with notifications directly within the applications where you receive them.

In the latest version of our platform, actionable notifications are available for CMS-only delivery option as well as via email, Slack and Microsoft Teams. Here, we take a look at notification alerts within the CMS.

Click the bell icon in the main header to view your notifications.

When you open a CMS notification, you have three new options.

First, 'Open Preview.' This generates a unique shared preview link for the content as it was when the notification was sent. You'll see a success message and the preview will open in a new tab.

Second, 'Comment.' Write a comment within a rich text editor pop-up, with the ability to mention other users and send them notifications. All comments appear in the conversations widget on the linked content's edit page.

Third, 'Watch.' Start or stop watching content to receive additional sort, filter, and notification options. A success message confirms your action.

All actions—previewing, commenting, and watching—are confirmed with success pop-ups. Notifications appear in the conversations widget in chronological order.

Enhance your productivity and take action directly from your notifications in the applications where you receive them, such as Brightspot, Slack, Teams or Email.

Stay in your flow and keep your content moving forward!