Brightspot CMS User Guide

Archiving administrative objects

When you archive administrative objects, those objects are no longer available for use within Brightspot, but they are still visible and they can be restored.

There may be downstream impacts for deleting administrative objects. Before you archive an administrative object, review the following recommendations.

Recommendations for archiving administrative objects



Check that visitors are not actively searching on the term you are archiving. If they are searching on that term, archiving it may result in lower visitor engagement. For details, see Viewing site-search statistics. For more information, see Brightspot Analytics.


Search pages using the term's associated dictionary to display spotlights will not display the spotlight. For example, you have a dictionary features with the term headless, and that dictionary is assigned to a search page Feature Search. If you archive the term headless, then when visitors search for headless, the spotlight will not appear in the search results.



Archive the dictionary's terms before archiving the dictionary itself.

Check your site searches to see if any of them use this dictionary. If so, and if you want to continue applying spotlights to those site searches, consider assigning to the site searches a different dictionary.


Site search pages associated with the archived dictionary do not include spotlights. Depending on how your version of Brightspot is configured, visitors may see a message similar to There are no results that match that term.

GraphQL Content API


GraphQL Content APIs (GCA) are typically part of a headless environment. Upstream applications (most likely Brightspot API clients) rely heavily on an existing configuration with the GCA endpoint. Before you archive a GCA, ensure that you communicate your intent with the maintainers of those upstream applications.

Check if any of your Brightspot API Clients use the GCA you want to archive. If so, replace the GCA with a different one in the associated client, or archive the API Client as well.


Applications making use of the archived GCA will receive errors or possibly no response at all.

GraphQL Content Delivery API


GraphQL Content Delivery APIs (CDA) are typically part of a headless environment. Upstream applications (most likely Brightspot API clients) rely heavily on an existing configuration with the CDA endpoint. Before you archive a CDA, ensure that you communicate your intent with the maintainers of those upstream applications.

Check if any of your Brightspot API Clients use the CDA you want to archive. If so, replace the CDA with a different one in the associated client, or archive the API Client as well.


Applications making use of the archived CDA will receive errors or possibly no response at all.

GraphQL Content Management API


GraphQL Content Management APIs (CMA) are typically part of a headless environment. Upstream applications (most likely Brightspot API clients) rely heavily on an existing configuration with the CMA. Before you archive a CMA, ensure that you communicate your intent with the maintainers of those upstream applications.

Check if any of your Brightspot API Clients use the CMA you want to archive. If so, replace the client's CMA with a different one, or archive the API Client as well.


Applications making use of the archived CMA will receive errors or possibly no response at all, resulting in a major impact to your upstream applications.

GraphQL API client


GraphQL API clients are typically part of a headless environment. Upstream applications (typically a front end or parallel CMS) rely heavily on an existing configuration with the client. Before you archive an API client, ensure that you communicate your intent with the maintainers of those upstream applications.

Review the endpoints associated with the client, and archive them before archiving the client.


Applications making use of the archived client will receive errors or possibly no response at all.



Inform editors you are archiving the audience.

Audiences are associated with content type groups—groups of content types such as article, blog post, and podcast episode. If you want to maintain visibility into the performance of an existing content type group, consider assigning it to a different audience.

Audiences are identified by various attributes of a visitor's request, and some of those attributes (such as UTM codes and cookies) are provided by Brightspot or third-party link generators. Removing an audience that tracks those attributes renders them useless. Consider assigning those attributes to a different audience, or change the attributes to those used by a different audience.


Archiving an audience suspends the accumulation of analytics for that audience. In addition, visitors requesting an audience-specific asset, such as by including a UTM code in a URL, receive the default version.

Editors can no longer create variations for the archived audience, or edit existing variations for the archived audience.

Content template


Determine if the content template is assigned as a default at the following levels:
  • Site level (Edit Global/Edit Site > CMS > Content Templates)
  • Role level (Edit Role > CMS > Content Templates)
  • User level (Edit User > CMS > Content Templates)
If the content template is assigned at any of those levels, inform the editors that you are archiving the template, and it will no longer be available.


Content types associated with a content template are no longer pre-populated by the content template.

Editorial content type


Determine which assets are based on the editorial content type, and publish or archive them. You can view where editorial content types are used in Edit Content Type > References > Usages.

Check where the editorial content type is embedded in parent content types. You can view where editorial content types are used in Edit Content Type > References > References. Modify those parent content types as necessary.

Inform editors that you are archiving the editorial content type.


Existing assets based on the archived editorial content type remain in Brightspot. Editors cannot update the assets and cannot archive the assets, but they can permanently delete them.

Existing drafts of assets based on the archived editorial content type can be deleted.

Editors cannot create new assets of the archived content type.

Content type modifications


Inform editors that you intend to archive the content type modification; they should publish drafts of assets based on the associated modification, or archive those assets.

Determine content types modified by this modification, and then review those content types.


Existing assets based on the modified content type lose the additional fields in the archived modification.

Fields associated with the archived modified content type are no longer rendered on the front end.



Inform editors of your intent to archive the dashboard.


The archived dashboard cannot be assigned to users, roles, or sites; however, existing users, roles, or sites configured to use the dashboard before archiving continue to use that dashboard.



Inform editors that you are archiving the site.


Assets owned by the archived site show an owner of None in the content edit form's Sites widget. Regardless, other sites with access to the archived site's asset still have access: they can make links to those assets, and those assets render on the front end.

Editors continue to work on the archived site, but any new assets have ownership of None.

Editors working on other sites cannot switch to the archived site.

Configurations using the archived site remain active. For example, a workflow applied to an archived site is still in force.

Site Category


Inform editors you are archiving the site category.


Editors can no longer filter for sites by the archived site category.



Inform administrators that you are archiving the theme.

For all sites using the theme, assign them a different theme.


Administrators can no longer modify the theme.

Administrators can no longer apply the theme to sites.

Brightspot no longer renders any asset associated with the site using the archived theme. As a result, visitors may see messages such as /servers/tomcat/webapps/ROOT/core/article/ArticlePage.hbs (java.nio.file.NoSuchFileException).



As your company's policy specifies, notify the user about to be archived.


An archived user cannot log in to Brightspot.

Other users cannot impersonate an archived user.

The user is labeled as Archived in various widgets, such as Recent Activity.



Inform users associated with the role that you intend to archive it.


Dashboards associated with the role are still available to the associated users.

Permissions associated with the role are still in force.

Notifications associated with the role are no longer triggered.



Identify the assets in the workflow, and move them through the workflow as appropriate.


Assets in the workflow can be published immediately.

To archive an administrative object:

  1. Search for and open the administrative object.
  2. In the lower-right corner, click Archive.
    Asset ownership for a Asset ownership for a
    Archiving an administrative object
  3. In the confirmation prompt, click OK.
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Archiving and deleting administrative objects
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Restoring an archived administrative object
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