Brightspot CMS User Guide

Configuring date formats in localization bundles

The following sections describe how you can configure the date format for a specific locale-content type pair. For example, in the en-US locale, you can have a one date format for articles and a different date format for galleries.

For the procedure to make these configurations, see Configuring localized static text.


For the Article content type, you can customize the format string Brightspot applies to the date published or date modified.

FieldValid value
ValueAny Java formatting string. For details, see the section "Common date formats," below.

In the following illustration, the dateFormat string is yyyy-MM-dd.

Configuring a custom date format for articles Configuring a custom date format for articles
Configuring a custom date format for articles

Rendered custom date format for articles Rendered custom date format for articles
Rendered custom date format for articles

You can customize the date format to reflect almost any representation of a date.


For the Gallery content type, you can customize the format string Brightspot applies to the date published or date modified.

FieldValid value
ValueAny Java formatting string. For details, see the section "Common date formats," below.

In the following illustration, the dateFormat string is yyyy-MM-dd.

Configuring a custom date format for galleries Configuring a custom date format for galleries
Configuring a custom date format for galleries

Rendered custom date format for galleries Rendered custom date format for galleries
Rendered custom date format for galleries

You can customize the date format to reflect almost any representation of a date.


For the Listicle content type, you can customize the format string Brightspot applies to the date published or date modified.

FieldValid value
ValueAny Java formatting string. For details, see the section "Common date formats," below.

In the following illustration, the dateFormat string is yyyy-MM-dd.

Configuring a custom date format for listicles Configuring a custom date format for listicles
Configuring a custom date format for listicles

Rendered custom date format for galleries Rendered custom date format for galleries
Rendered custom date format for listicles

You can customize the date format to reflect almost any representation of a date.

Live Blog

For the Live Blog content type, you can customize the format string Brightspot applies to the date published or date modified.

FieldValid value
ValueAny Java formatting string. For details, see the section "Common date formats," below.

In the following illustration, the dateFormat string is yyyy-MM-dd.

Configuring a custom date format for listicles Configuring a custom date format for listicles
Configuring a custom date format for listicles

Rendered custom date format for galleries Rendered custom date format for galleries
Rendered custom date format for listicles

You can customize the date format to reflect almost any representation of a date.

Common date formats

The following table lists formatting strings used by popular news sites.

Formatting stringExample
North America
hh:dd a z, E MMMM d, yyyy10:15 AM EDT, Fri March 6, 2023
MMMM d, yyyy hh:mmaMarch 6, 2023 7:45PM
MMM dd, yyyy hh:mm a zMar 06, 2023 7:08 AM EDT
dd/MM/yyyy - hh:mm07/03/2023 - 14:03
dd MMMM yyyy hh:mm07 March 2023 18:10
dd.MMM, hh:dd07. Mar, 03:07
dd MMM yyyy hh:dd z07 Mar 2023 10:18 CEST
dd MMMM yyyy 'at' hh:dd07 March 2023 at 03:07
dd MMMM yyyy 'at' hh'h'mm07 March 2023 at 03h29
dd MMMM yyyy07 March 2023

See also:

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Configuring localized static text to restrict types of objects in fields
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Configuring localization delivery
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