Brightspot CMS User Guide

Creating a site

There are two types of sites in Brightspot, Global and just regular sites.

The Global site has settings that are cascaded down to your "regular" sites. Whereas, your regular sites have settings that only apply to them. You can create as many regular sites as you need with Brightspot.

Your Global site is already created for you when you first start with Brightspot. You will want to review the Global site settings topic and modify any that pertain to your organization. Many of the settings you set here will be cascaded down to any other sites you create, which reduces your maintenance.

Being able to publish to multiple sites gives you incredible flexibility. For example, if you are publishing to a site for a special event such as the Special Olympics, create a Special Olympics site. If you are publishing to a site that renders in French, create a french site. This topic discusses how to create those "other" sites (not Global).

Before you create a site, it is a great idea to review the global settings in Global site settings, and try to use as many of the defaults as possible. Remember, these settings cascade down, so using the global settings reduces the maintenance effort on each of your site’s configurations.

To create a site:

  1. Click menu > Admin > Sites & Settings.
  2. In the Sites widget, click New Site.
  3. Using the options below, select the tab to view and configure the settings for your site.
  4. Click Save.

Site settings—Main tab

NameEnter the site's name. The site's name appears in several widgets throughout Brightspot.
Site name Site name
Site name in Brightspot widgets
SEO Display Name Appends this value in the <title> tag to the asset's title.

This is also the value used for the OpenGraph site name which appears in objects such as Slack snippets.

For example, if you have an article Benefits of GraphQL, and in this field you add GraphQL API Site, then the title tag is <title>Benefits of GraphQL - GraphQL API Site</title>.
URLsList of URLs that prefix all pages in this site.

truncates any trailing slashes. For example, an entry in this list creates URLs of the form

For details, see Site URLs.
Basic HTTP AuthenticationConfigure an HTTP authentication challenge that an editor must pass to log in to Brightspot, similar to the following:
HTTP authentication challenge HTTP authentication challenge
HTTP authentication challenge
  • None—No authentication required.
  • Basic Authentication Users—Enter pairs of usernames and passwords. Editors must provide one of the usernames and associated password to log in.
  • Basic Authentication Excluded Path Prefixes—Paths on your site that are exempt from HTTP authentication.
ThemeSelect the default theme for all sites. You can override this setting at the site level.

For more information about themes, see Theme management.

Site settings—Front-End tab

Dynamic List Module Cache SecondsEnter the number of seconds Brightspot waits before updating the assets in a dynamic list.
Logos & Icons
LogoUpload or link to your site’s logo. The logo typically appears in the top-left corner of each published page.
Logo front end Logo front end
Site logo on published page
News Publisher LogoRenders a site logo that complies with width and height restrictions for AMP.
Default Promo ImageSets the default image that appears when the site is used as a promo.
FaviconSite’s favicon appearing in browsers and some mobile apps. Use .png or .jpg files.
Favicon IcoSite’s favicon appearing in browsers and some mobile apps. Use .ico files.
Language MenuConfigure a menu containing a list of languages and associated links. Visitors select from this menu to view the site in different languages.
Language menu showing available locales Language menu showing available locales
Language menu showing available locales
HatSelect an existing hat or create a new one.

For information about creating a hat, see Creating a hat.
NavigationSelect an existing navigation or create a new one.

For more information about creating a navigation, see Creating a navigation.
Banner Select a layout option for placing a breaking news banner on your site. See Applying a breaking news banner for more information.
FooterSelect an existing footer or create a new one.

For more information about creating a footer, see Creating a footer.
AboveConfigure content appearing in the Above block on all pages across all sites.

For more information, see Above, Aside, and Below layout blocks.
AsideConfigure content appearing in the Aside block on all pages across all sites.

For more information, see Above, Aside, and Below layout blocks.
BelowConfigure content appearing in the Below block on all pages across all sites.

For more information, see Above, Aside, and Below layout blocks.
Search PageConfigure a page that lists results when a visitor searches for content.

For information about creating a search page, see Search results.
Type Specific Overrides
Type Specific Landing Page Content Allows you to separately configure the layout of various landing pages.

For example, your site displays a list of quotes on every landing page; however, for blog landing pages, you want to include a list of promos after the quote list.

This field allows you to specify that you want to include additional assets (in this case, a list of promos) before, after, or instead of the content that is already configured on any given landing page (in this case, a list of quotes).
Type Specific OverridesConfigure logos, icons, and layouts applicable to specific content types. Configurations in these fields override settings in the Logos & Icons and Layouts clusters.
Action Bar
Default Action BarConfigure the site’s default action bar. Appears on all of the site’s assets unless overridden for a content type.

For information about creating an action bar, see Creating an action bar.
Type Specific OverridesConfigure action bars applicable to specific content types for a site. Overrides Default Action Bar.

For information about creating an action bar, see Creating an action bar.
Disable Ads Parameter ValueValue in a query string that blocks an ad feed.
EnabledEnables AMP on this site. For details, see AMP.
TypesContent types for which you want AMP available.
Authentication SettingsSelect the settings you configured to authenticate visitors. For details, see Understanding authentication and authorization in Brightspot.
Authorization SettingsSelect the settings you configured to authorize visitors. For details, see Understanding authentication and authorization in Brightspot.
Commenting ServicesConfigure a commenting services, such as Coral and Disqus, through which visitors can post comments to a site's assets.
Content Discovery
Front-End Accessible Sites Select the sites to which you want the current site's assets be available in dynamic results.

For example, if the current site is Brightspot, and you select Example in this field, then a dynamically populated module on the Example site can include assets from the Brightspot site.
Entitlement ServiceConfigure a service that manages entitlements to your site's assets.
Error HandlersList of HTTP error or status codes and associated pages that visitors receive.

For more information, see Configuring error responses.
ProviderConfiguration for adding a reCAPTCHA control on forms.

For more information, see Configuring Google reCAPTCHA.
Disable All InjectionToggle on to disable all ad injection on your site.
Injection profilesSelect the ad injection profile to use on your site. See Injecting ads into a listicle for more information on setting up ad injection.
Organization Select the organization to enable JSON-LD on your site. See Configuring JSON-LD generation for more information.
Locale ProviderSelect the level in the content hierarchy that provides the requested language for an asset.
  • None—Uses the locale set on the Brightspot server.
  • Content—Uses the locale configured for an individual asset.
  • Site—Uses the locale configured for a site.
  • System Default—Uses the locale set on the Brightspot server.
For example, a visitor wants to view a page of soccer scores at If Locale Provider is—
  • None or System Default, the visitor sees the page translated into the locale configured on the Brightspot server.
  • Content, the visitor sees the page translated into the locale configured for the asset /soccer_es.
  • Site, the visitor sees the page translated into the locale configured for the site
Open Graph
Default Open Graph ImageSelect the image to appear in social networks when an asset is shared.
Permalink Rule OverridesConfigure how Brightspot generates permalinks for a content type. For each content type, you can configure one of the following rules:
  • Contained Versionable Permalink Rule—Brightspot generates permalinks from a combinations of an asset's version number and slug. Applies to assets of content type Versionable.
  • Default Permalink Rule—Brightspot generates permalinks from an asset's slug.
  • No Permalink Rule—Brightspot does not automatically generate a permalink; editors must manually create permalinks for each asset.
  • Section Prefix Permalink Rule—Brightspot generates permalinks from a combination of the section’s slug and the asset's slug.
  • Type Version Wildcard Permalink Rule—Brightspot generates permalinks from a combination of the item's name and a version number. Applies to assets of content type Type Version.
  • Versionable Container Permalink Rule—Brightspot generates permalinks from a combination of the item's title and a version number. Applies to assets of content type Versionable Container.
For each rule, you can specify how Brightspot resolves duplicate permalinks.
  • Inherit—At the Global level, applies Default Permalink Rule.
  • Disabled—Do not automatically resolve duplicate permalinks; editors must resolve them individually.
  • Enabled—Brightspot appends a number to duplicate permalinks, incrementing the number for each new duplicate.
Podcast Providers
ProvidersConfigure podcast providers and their associated domain names.
Read Time
Disable Read Time in Byline Toggle on to remove the 'Read Time' component from the byline of supported content types
RSS Feed
RSS Validation Disabled TypesSelect content types for which RSS validation is disabled.
Disable RSS ValidationIf toggled on, disables RSS validation for all content types.
RSS Settings
Disable FeedIf toggled on—
  • Brightspot stops populating your site’s RSS feed.
  • Removes the existing feed and its previously included assets.
CopyrightEnter the copyright notice appearing in the feed’s copyright tag, which not all RSS readers display.
Default To Atom Auto DetectIf toggled on, the feed is a discoverable Atom feed. If toggled off, the feed is a discoverable RSS feed.
Type Specific Feed OverridesConfigure feeds for specific content types. For homepages, pages, sections, and tags, you can configure the following:
  • Types—Content types to which a configuration applies.
  • Disable Feed—Enables or disables the feed for the selected content types in Types.
  • Render Full Content—Delivers the entire asset—not just a summary—to the RSS feed as plain text.
  • Enabled Feed Item Types—Content types associated with these settings, or leave blank to apply the settings to all content types
The settings in this field override Disable Feed.
robots.txtCompose lines to include in the site’s robots.txt file.

For detailed information about what you can include in this file, see Robots.txt Specifications.
Sitemap Settings
Sitemap TypesSelect the type of site map (Standard, News, or Video). Through these various supported sitemap formats, provides additional information about your images, videos, and news content to search engines.
News Sitemap Name Enter the name for your news sitemap.
Sitemap Default URLThe default URL used to build the links within the sitemaps. recommends that this be set to your public facing domain that you want search engines to crawl and index. Defaults to the site's current URL.

For details on submitting a sitemap to Google, see Submit your sitemap to Google.
Facebook UsernameEnter the username associated with the author's Facebook account.
Instagram UsernameEnter the username associated with the author's Instagram account.
LinkedIn EntitySelect one of the following options:
  • None—Brightspot does not display a social link to a LinkedIn account on the front end.
  • Company—Enter the name of the company with which the author is affiliated.
  • Showcase—Enter the name of the showcase with which the author is affiliated.
  • User—Enter the username associated with the author's LinkedIn account.
Pinterest UsernameEnter the username associated with the author's Pinterest account.
TikTok UsernameEnter the username associated with the author's TikTok account.
Tumblr UsernameEnter the username associated with the author's Tumblr account.
X (Twitter) UsernameEnter the username associated with the author's X (Twitter) account.
YouTube EntitySelect one of the following options:
  • None—Brightspot will not display a social link to a YouTube account on the front end.
  • Channel—Enter the name of the channel associated with the author.
  • Custom—Enter the name of a custom channel or video.
Sponsored Content
Sponsored Content Meaning LinkConfigure the default link for sponsored content. When clicking on a sponsored-content link, the visitor sees this page. You can override this link at the asset level.
Sponsor Display TextEnter the phrase that introduces the site's sponsor. For example, "Sponsored by ".
Tag Manager
Tag Manager Select the tag manager service to be used on your site. For an example, see Google Tag Manager.
Time ZoneSelect the time zone used to compute the published time as reported in some tags. For example, your Brightspot server is in New York, and you publish an asset at 9:00 AM. In addition, you set this field to Europe/London. In this case, Brightspot renders <meta property="article:published_time" content="2021-03-29T14:00:00.000">, indicating the asset was published at 2:00 PM.
Browser ConfigCompose the browserconfig file delivered to clients from this site.

For information about how to compose this file, see Browser configuration schema reference.
Web App ManifestConfigure the web app manifest delivered to clients from this site.

For information about how to compose this file, see Web app manifests.
Custom Scripts And StylesConfigure HTML elements added to the <head> element, in addition to what is configured in the site's theme. You can send different elements by filtering on HTTP method, URL pattern, and content type. For information about configuring response headers, see Working with custom <head> elements.
Custom Response HeadersConfigure response headers sent to clients in addition to what is configured for the server and Brightspot. You can send different response headers by filtering on HTTP method, URL pattern, and content type. For information about configuring response headers, see Working with response headers.
Body Elements Use this field to add custom JavaScript and HTML resources to certain pages within your site.
Strip Query String From Directory RedirectsA client’s request for a resource may trigger a redirect to a different directory. Toggle on this field if you want to strip the query string from the request before the server performs the redirect.

Site Settings—Integrations tab

Integrations settings vary depending on your implementation of Brightspot. For details on how to configure integration settings, see the Brightspot Integrations Guide.

Site settings—CMS tab

CMS LogoSets the logo that replaces the hyperlinked site name in the left of the header. For details, see Logo.
Preview URLSets the URL to be used when previewing assets.
Site CategoryAssigns the current site to a specified site category. For details, see Creating site categories.
After-Save Events
After Save Events ConfigurationConfigure actions Brightspot performs after saving an asset, such as submitting the asset to Apple News.

For additional information, see Configuring after-save events in Apple News.
Assignment Desk
Content TypesSelect the content types to be used by Assignment Desk. See Configuring content types and assignment types for more information.
Default Assignment TypeSelect the default assignment type to be assigned whenever a new assignment is created. It can be modified if needed. See Configuring content types and assignment types for more information.
Broadcast Message
Configure a message appearing on top of the header.
Broadcast message Broadcast message
Broadcast message
Broadcast ExpirationSelect the date and time when broadcast message expires. If blank, broadcast message has no expiration.
Content Discovery
All Sites AccessibleMakes assets from all other sites accessible to the current site in search.

For example, the current site is Brightspot. There are three other sites: Example, GraphQL, and Editing Site. Toggling this setting makes all assets from these three sites accessible to editors working in the Brightspot site.

For details, see Enabling asset sharing between sites.
Accessible SitesMakes assets from specified sites accessible to the current site in search.

For example, the current site is Brightspot. There are three other sites: Example, GraphQL, and Editing Site. Selecting GraphQL and Editing Site in this field makes all assets from those two sites accessible to editors working in the Brightspot site.

For details, see Enabling asset sharing between sites.

Will be overriden by All Sites Accessible field, if enabled.
Sites With Read AccessPermits other sites to read the current site's assets without having to switch to the current site.

For example, the article Benefits of GraphQL is owned by the Brightspot site. Selecting the Example site in this field allows users in the Example site to view Benefits of GraphQL without having to switch to the Brightspot site.

For details, see Sites widget.

This setting controls which sites can read this site's content.

For detailed information, see Dashboards.
ResourcesConfigure a default list of resources for the Resources widget.

For detailed information, see Configuring the Resources widget.
Quick Start SettingsConfigure a list of content types and assets appearing in the Quick Start widget.

For detailed information, see Adding, removing, or "favoriting" items in your Quick Start widget.
Bulk Upload SettingsConfigure the default file type in the Upload Files widget.
Localization Badge DisplayDisplays locale badges in the following places to indicate the locale when creating new assets:
  • In the header.
  • In the editorial toolbar when creating or modifying an asset.
This field defaults to the first locale set in the current site.
Available LocalesLocales into which assets in this site can be translated.

For information about translating assets, see Sending an asset for translation.
Closed by DefaultIf toggled on, the preview pane is closed by default. (For mobile devices, preview pane is always closed by default regardless of this setting.)
Preview DevicesConfigure a list of devices available in the preview pane. If blank, all devices are available.
Preview TypesPreviews generated by external applications, such as a GraphQL server.
Shared Preview Link ExpirationEnter the number of days after which a shared preview expires.

See also Setting the preview link expiration at the global site level and Setting the preview link expiration at the individual site level.
Quick View
Quick View Configure the Quick View settings for the site. See Configuring Quick View at the site level for more information.
Enable ShelfToggle on to enable The Shelf on your content edit pages for the types selected. See Working with The Shelf for more information.
Type SettingsSelect the content types that have access to The Shelf on their content edit pages.
Shelf Default SourceSet the option from which The Shelf pulls assets from.
Site Copier
Allow Site CopyAllows you to make a copy of this site. For details, see Copying a site.
Style Groups
Curated Style GroupsConfigure groups of module styles that editors can apply to multiple assets.

For additional information, see Applying a module style.
Time Companion Content
Enable Timed Companion Content Toggle on to enable the use of timed companion content. See Creating companion content for audio or video for more information.
Available LocalesSelect locales to which a site's content is translated.
Locale GroupsConfigure groups of locales. If you translate your content to multiple locales, it may be easier to manage them as a group.
Default Service SettingsConfigure the default settings for a translation service. You can override these settings for individual translation jobs. (You can also configure default service settings for individual content types.)
Type SettingsConfigure the default settings for individual content types.
  • Types—Content types to which these settings apply.
  • Completion Action—Action Brightspot applies to a completed translation.
  • Service Settings—Settings for the translation service applicable to the selected content types.
These settings override what you configure in Default Service Settings.
Enable Enhanced SEO UIAdds additional SEO fields and settings to a content type's SEO tab, it if has one. For details, see Configuring SEO for an asset.
Preset ThemeSelect one of the themes to use for Brightspot. If you select Custom, you can configure the following colors for individual UI elements:
  • Dominant—Editorial toolbar background, field labels.
  • Gray—Tab labels, placeholders, numbers in selection fields.
  • Red—Error messages.
  • Orange—Used in customized versions of Brightspot.
  • Yellow—Field changed since last save.
  • Green—Editorial toolbar border, color of Publish button.
  • Blue—Cursor in field.
  • Purple—Used in customized versions of Brightspot.
For information about using the color picker, see Configuring a theme's swatch.
AppearanceSelect the appearance for Brightspot.
  • Light—The standard Brightspot appearance.
  • DarkBrightspot's Dark mode.
  • Follow OS—The default appearance mode of the operating system being used.
Enable Boxed InputIf toggled on, places a border around fields.
Enable CompactIf toggled on, displays the content edit form with smaller labels and fields, so more of it appears in your screen without scrolling.
Enable Compact RailsIf toggled on, displays widgets in the right and left rails with smaller labels and fields, so more of them appear in your screen without scrolling.
Enable High ContrastIf toggled on, displays Brightspot in a high-contrast mode, improving accessibility and ideal when working outside or with strong ambient light.
Header BackgroundSets the header's background color.
Enable GuidesIf toggled on, editors can view and edit production guides for content types and their fields.

For more information, see Accessing production guides.
Enable Pre Publish ActionsIf toggled on, Brightspot provides cues for updating an asset's fields (such as promo overrides) before actually publishing the asset.

For more information, see Pre-publishing actions.
Enable Post Publish ActionsIf toggled on, Brightspot provides suggestions for placing assets after they are published.

For more information, see Post-publishing actions.
Open Post Publish Actions AutomaticallyIf toggled on, Brightspot displays the widget for post-publish actions after the asset is first published. If toggled off, editors can still access post-publish actions by clicking more_horiz > Post Publish Actions.

For more information, see Post-publishing actions.
Enable Preview To EditPreview to edit allows you to edit assets directly from the preview pane.

Select from:

  • Enabled - enables the preview to edit functionality.
  • Disabled - disables the preview to edit functionality.
See Preview to edit for more information on this feature.
Retain Search SettingsSet to Retain all settings for each content type by default. Select one of the following from the list:
  • Retain all settings for each content type—Global filters and content type-specific filters are retained for each content type when searching for assets. For example, if you first search for articles with author Brightspot Staff, then search for images, then search for articles again, Brightspot Staff is retained as an article filter.
  • Retain Global filters while changing content types—Global filters are retained when filtering by different content types. For example, if you first search for articles with status Draft and author Brightspot Staff, and then search for images, the setting for status remains Draft, but returning to searching for articles does not retain author Brightspot Staff.
  • None—Search is not sticky. Any new query does not retain filters at any level from a previous query.
Enable Bulk Scheduling Select to enable or disable bulk scheduling for the site. See Bulk scheduling for more information.
Widgets Watching Filter Select Enabled to include the watching filter in the search panel's results.

Select Disabled to include a watching toggle in the search panel's miscellaneous filters. See Configuring Watch for more information.
Auto Watch User On PublishSelecting Enabled automatically makes the asset being published a watched asset for the user that performed the publish.
Auto Watch User On UpdateSelecting Enabled automatically makes the asset being updated a watched asset for the user that performed the update.
CMS CSS ClassAdds an invisible CSS class that is inserted in the <head> element of the data object model.
Always Generate PermalinksAutomatically generates permalinks when creating new assets. The permalinks are not published until the asset is published.
Single Generated PermalinksForces the generated permalink to replace existing URLs.
This setting is helpful before a site is live, when the URL structure is still being adjusted.
Excluded Classes Enter the CSS classes to be excluded from the site.

Site settings—Overrides

Content CopyrightMake one of the following selections:
  • Inherit—Inherit the Content Copyright setting from the Global settings.
  • None—Do not include copyright information on the site.
  • Select—To add copyright information to the site.

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