Embedding a callout
Callouts allow you to highlight specific text that stands out from the rest of the information displayed in a topic. You can add four types of callouts to your topic:
- Tip—Provides a suggestion or recommendation to visitors.
- Note—Provides an important piece of information to visitors.
- Caution—Provides an indication that visitors should be cautious.
- Warning—Provides an urgent warning to visitors.
To embed a callout:
- Place your cursor within the text where you would like to place the callout. The callout is displayed on its own line below where you put your cursor.
- Click and select Callout from the available choices.
- From the Callout list, select Inline or Shared.
- If you select Shared, click and locate the shared callout in the content picker. (For information about creating a shared callout, see Creating a callout module.)
- If you select Inline:
- Expand the Type field and select which type of callout you are adding.
- Enter the text for the callout in the Body field. You can format this text using the controls provided.
- Expand Callout Enhancement Styles and from the Preset list select one of the following:
- None—Brightspot aligns the module within the body text using your theme's settings.
- Custom—Complete the following fields as needed:
- Choose enhancement alignment—Select an alignment. See Enhancement alignment for more information on enhancement placement.
- Click Save & Close.
- Complete your site's workflow and publish the asset.
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