Converting modules to inline or shared
If you created an asset with an inline module, you can convert it to a shared module for use in other assets.
Depending on your implementation of Brightspot,
may appear as one-off
To convert an inline module to a shared module:
- Open the asset containing the inline module.
In the module's heading, click .
- In the menu that appears, click Convert to Shared.
Brightspot converts the inline module to a shared module.
If you added a shared module to an asset, you may want to modify it; however, modifying the shared module modifies it for all other assets that use it. If you want to modify the module so that the changes apply only to the current asset, you can change the shared module to an inline module. Doing this creates a true inline module, and the shared module from which the new module originates is not affected.
To convert a shared module to an inline module:
- Open the asset containing the shared module.
In the module's heading, click .
- In the menu that appears, click Convert to (Module Type) (such as Convert to List). Brightspot converts the shared module to an inline module and displays the corresponding form.
- Modify the module as required.
- Complete your site's workflow and publish the asset.
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