Sites widget
New assets default to being owned by the site in which they are created, with no other sites having access; however, you can change the site owner and grant access to other sites from the Sites widget on the asset's content edit page.

To change site ownership of an asset:
- Search for and open the asset whose ownership you want to change.
- In the Sites widget, under Owner, select a new site. Assets may have only one owner.
- Save or re-publish the asset.
To grant access to other sites:
- Search for and open the asset whose ownership you want to change.
- In the Sites widget, under Access, select one of the following options:
- All Others—Grants access to this asset to all other sites.
- Some Others—Grants access to this asset to other sites that you select. You can select multiple sites.
- Save or re-publish the asset.
Once you grant another site access to an asset, it surfaces both in the receiving site's search panel in the CMS and also when visitors to the receiving site conduct site searches.
See also:
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