Theme overview
Themes provide your site’s layout, color scheme, and behaviors. You can install your own themes, and versions of individual themes, into Brightspot.
Page layout
A page layout specifies which elements are rendered in the published asset and in which order. The following diagram is an example of page layout for a published article.
Styling specifies the color scheme, typeface, and general spacing between elements. Brightspot applies styling through traditional CSS files. The following illustrations are examples of styling that are almost the opposite of each other: one with black-on-white, the other with white-on-black.
Web pages have a variety of behaviors, such as animation and data validation. The following animation illustrates two behaviors that occur after a visitor clicks on the search icon:
Behaviors are typically implemented using JavaScript.
- Exposes a search field.
- Places the cursor inside the search field (so visitors do not need to click into the field).
Dynamic search field
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