Brightspot Content Types Guide


A book is a container used to display help content to your site visitors. It is comprised of chapters and topics. Books have a table of contents along the left rail that allows your visitors to navigate through topics. You organize the table of contents as you add content to the book.

For a wire frame example of what this content type can look like on your site, see Book design.

To create a book:

  1. In the header, click add.
  2. From the Create list, select Book.
  3. Using the following tables as a reference, complete the fields as needed.
  4. Complete your site's workflow and publish the book.

Book fields

Click each tab below to see a description of the associated fields.

Main tab

Display NameEnter a display name. This name is visible to the visitors to your site and sits at the top of the table of contents. When visitors click this name, they are taken back to the landing page for your book.
Internal NameEnter an internal name for this asset. Brightspot uses this name internally, such as in the search panel and recent activity widget. This name is not visible to visitors to your site.
DescriptionEnter a description that describes this asset. This description is visible to the visitors to your site.
URL SlugThis field, by default, is auto-populated by a Title, Name, Display Name, or Headline field, and becomes part of the asset's URL.

Auto-populated slugs are lowercase, have diacritics removed, and any symbols or spaces are replaced with -.

You can modify the URL Slug field if necessary.
BodyUse the rich-text editor to include text, lists, images, and links to other assets. Text in this field is visible to visitors to your site.

For information about using the rich-text editor, see Rich-text editor.
ChaptersYou can add chapters to your book. The chapters appear in the table of contents. Chapters can also have sub-chapters that also display in the table of contents.

See Understanding chapters and Adding chapters and sub-chapters to a book for more information.

TitleText appearing in the asset's <title> tag. Brightspot automatically populates this field from data on the Main tab, and you can override this as needed by entering a new title.
Suppress SEO Display NameIf toggled on, your site's name will not appear in the <title> tag and subsequently in search results.
DescriptionText appearing in the asset's <meta name="description"> tag. Brightspot automatically populates this field from data on the Main tab, and you can override this as needed by entering a new description.
RobotsText appearing in the item’s <meta name="robots"> tag.

For an explanation of the available options, see Robots Meta Directives.
AMP DisabledToggle on to disable generation of an AMP version of this asset.

For details, see AMP.


Primary Media TypeSelect the primary media type of this article, either None, Audio, Gallery, Text, Video. This selection determines how the asset is treated when used as a promo. For example, if you select Video, the promo image will have a play arrow overlaid on top of it.

Logos & Icons Overrides

LogoSelect a new image to serve as the logo that displays on this asset. For information about creating a logo, see Image Logo.
News Publisher LogoSelect a new image to serve as the news publisher logo that displays on this asset.
Default Promo ImageImage appearing in the asset's image when the asset is used as a promo. Brightspot automatically populates this image from the site's default promo image, and you can override this as needed by selecting a new image.

Layout Overrides

HatSelect one of the options to override the inherited hat.

For details, see Creating a hat.
NavigationSelect one of the options to override the inherited navigation.

For details, see Creating a navigation.
BannerSelect one of the options to override the inherited banner.

For details, see Applying a breaking news banner.
FooterSelect one of the options to override the inherited footer.

For details, see Creating a footer.
AboveSelect one of the options to override the inherited Above layout block.

For details, see Above, Aside, and Below layout blocks.
AsideSelect one of the options to override the inherited Aside layout block.

For details, see Above, Aside, and Below layout blocks.
BelowSelect one of the options to override the inherited Below layout block.

For details, see Above, Aside, and Below layout blocks.


Exclude from Dynamic ResultsToggle on to prevent this asset from showing up in dynamic list modules.

For details, see List module.
Exclude from Search ResultsToggle on to prevent this asset from showing up in search results on your site.

Promo Overrides

Promo TitleEnter text to override this asset's title when used in a promo. Brightspot automatically populates this field from data on the Main tab, and you can override this as needed by entering a new title.
Promo DescriptionEnter text to override this asset's description when used in a promo. Brightspot automatically populates this field from data on the Main tab, and you can override this as needed by entering a new description.
Promo ImageImage appearing in the asset's image when the asset is used as a promo. Brightspot automatically populates this field from data on the Main tab, and you can override this as needed by selecting a new image.
Promo CategoryText appearing in the asset's category when the asset is used as a promo. Brightspot automatically populates this field from data on the Main tab, and you can override this as needed by entering a new category.
Promo Category LinkLink associated with the promo category. This field inherits from the selected promo category, and you can override this as needed.

Share Overrides

Share TitleText appearing in the asset's title when a visitor shares the asset. automatically populates this field from data on the Main tab, and you can override this as needed by entering a new title.
Share DescriptionText appearing in the asset's description when a visitor shares the asset. automatically populates this field from data on the Main tab, and you can override this as needed by entering a new description.
Share ImageImage appearing in the asset's image when a visitor shares the asset. automatically populates this field from data on the Main tab, and you can override this as needed by selecting a new image.

Site Map

Change FrequencySelect an option from the list to denote how frequently the page is likely to change. This value provides general information to search engines and may not correlate exactly to how often search engines crawl this asset. See the <changefreq> tag definition in Sitemaps XML format.
PriorityEnter a value to designate this asset's priority over other URLs on your site. Valid values are 0.0 to 1.0. This allows you to relay to search engines which pages you deem most important for crawlers. For more information, see the <priority> tag definition in Sitemaps XML format.

The information on this tab presents a graphical or tabular representation of this asset's analytics. For information about configuring analytics ingestion and presentation, see Brightspot Analytics and Google Analytics.

LocaleSets the content's locale. This setting can also be used to auto-localize content based on the users requested locale.

See also:

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Understanding chapters
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