Brightspot Integrations Guide

Submitting a video to AWS Elemental

You can submit your videos to Amazon Elemental for editing and enhancements. Before you submit a video to AWS Elemental, plan which features you want to include with the published version, such as transcription, advertisements, and graphical overlays. You need to configure your submission to include the features you need.

AWS Elemental provides the features described in this section. If you do not have or do not want to use an AWS account, you can add these features using a video editor on your own laptop, and then publish the video. For details, see Video.

To submit a video to AWS Elemental:

  1. In the header, click add.
  2. From the Create list, select Video.
  3. From Provider, select AWS Elemental (Upload).

    AWS Elemental Upload form.png AWS Elemental Upload form.png
    AWS Elemental upload form

  4. Under Files, click add_circle_outline.
  5. From the File list, select New Upload, and browse to the video that you want to upload.
  6. Using the following table as a reference, complete the fields as needed.
  7. Click save. Brightspot submits the video to Amazon Elemental. Wait until the confirmation message appears that the job is complete.
  8. Complete your site's workflow and publish the asset.

Video File fields

Click each tab below to see a description of the associated fields. (Some of the fields are available only after you configuring them in Sites & Settings.)



ProviderSelect AWS Elemental (Upload).
FilesClick add_circle_outline Add Video File, and navigate to a video on your local drive.
CaptionsSelect Embedded Caption or Sidecar Caption. For information about adding captions to videos, see Adding captions to videos.
HeadlineEnter a headline. This headline is visible to the visitors to your site.
Sub HeadlineEnter a subheadline. This subheadline is visible to the visitors to your site.
BodyUse the rich-text editor to include text, lists, images, and links to other assets. Text in this field is visible to visitors to your site.

For information about using the rich-text editor, see Rich-text editor.
PreviewRead-only field previewing how the video appears and plays in a visitor's browser. Click play_circle_outline to play the video.
SectionSelect the sections associated with this asset. This selection is visible to your visitors.

For information about creating a section, see Section.
PackageSelect the package associated with this asset. This selection is not visible to your visitors.
TagsSelect the tags associated with this asset. This selection is not visible to visitors to your site.

For information about creating a tag, see Tag.
CreditName of the videographer.
TranscriptBy default, this field contains a concatenation of all the transcripts listed in the Metadata > Transcription > Transcripts field. associates the words in the transcript with the asset, so searching on words in the transcript returns the asset in the search results.

You can modify the transcript or enter your own. The transcript is not visible to visitors to your site. For more information about transcription, see Amazon Transcribe.
Usage For videos hosted on AWS Elemental, these setting are ignored.


Output Settings
Transcoding SettingsSelect one of the available settings, or click search to create one-off settings for this conversion. For information about configuring transcoding settings, see Configuring MediaConvert.
OverlaysSelect or create an image overlay that appears along with the video.
MediaTailor ConfigurationSelect one of the available MediaTailor configurations for delivering ads with the video. For more information, see Configuring MediaTailor.
Transcribe SettingsSelect one of the available transcription settings. For more information, see Configuring Amazon Transcribe.


ThumbnailsThumbnails extracted from the video. Click add_circle_outline to add additional thumbnails. uses the first thumbnail in the list as the video's preview.


OutputsRead-only list of the video transcoded into the configured formats.


JobRead-only field listing the AWS MediaConvert transcoding job. Ops personnel can refer to this job number in the AWS console.

Promo Overrides

Promo TitleEnter text to override this asset's title when used in a promo. Brightspot automatically populates this field from data on the Main tab, and you can override this as needed by entering a new title.
Promo DescriptionEnter text to override this asset's description when used in a promo. Brightspot automatically populates this field from data on the Main tab, and you can override this as needed by entering a new description.
Promo ImageImage appearing in the asset's image when the asset is used as a promo. Brightspot automatically populates this field from data on the Main tab, and you can override this as needed by selecting a new image.
ThumbnailImage representing the video in various widgets, such as the search panel. If blank, defaults to the video's first frame.
Promo CategoryText appearing in the asset's category when the asset is used as a promo. Brightspot automatically populates this field from data on the Main tab, and you can override this as needed by entering a new category.
Promo Category LinkLink associated with the promo category. This field inherits from the selected promo category, and you can override this as needed.

Share Overrides

Share TitleText appearing in the asset's title when a visitor shares the asset. automatically populates this field from data on the Main tab, and you can override this as needed by entering a new title.
Share DescriptionText appearing in the asset's description when a visitor shares the asset. automatically populates this field from data on the Main tab, and you can override this as needed by entering a new description.
Share ImageImage appearing in the asset's image when a visitor shares the asset. automatically populates this field from data on the Main tab, and you can override this as needed by selecting a new image.

Logos & Icons Overrides

LogoSelect a new image to serve as the logo that displays on this asset. For information about creating a logo, see Image Logo.
News Publisher LogoSelect a new image to serve as the news publisher logo that displays on this asset.

Layout Overrides

HatSelect one of the options to override the inherited hat.

For details, see Creating a hat.
Header Call To ActionsSelect one of the options to override the inherited Header Call To Actions layout block, and create a call to action as appropriate.
NavigationSelect one of the options to override the inherited navigation.

For details, see Creating a navigation.
FooterSelect one of the options to override the inherited footer.

For details, see Creating a footer.
AboveSelect one of the options to override the inherited Above layout block.

For details, see Above, Aside, and Below layout blocks.
AsideSelect one of the options to override the inherited Aside layout block.

For details, see Above, Aside, and Below layout blocks.
BelowSelect one of the options to override the inherited Below layout block.

For details, see Above, Aside, and Below layout blocks.


Section NavigationSelect one of the options to override the inherited navigation.
  • Inherit—Applies the navigation from the nearest level up the content hierarchy.
  • None—Supresses the navigation.
  • Select—Applies the selected shared navigation. For information about creating a navigation, see Creating a navigation.
Package NavigationSelect one of the options to override the inherited navigation.
  • Inherit—Applies the navigation from the nearest level up the content hierarchy.
  • None—Supresses the navigation.
  • Select—Applies the selected shared navigation. For information about creating a navigation, see Creating a navigation.

Site Map

Change FrequencySelect an option from the list to denote how frequently the page is likely to change. This value provides general information to search engines and may not correlate exactly to how often search engines crawl this asset. See the <changefreq> tag definition in Sitemaps XML format.
PriorityEnter a value to designate this asset's priority over other URLs on your site. Valid values are 0.0 to 1.0. This allows you to relay to search engines which pages you deem most important for crawlers. For more information, see the <priority> tag definition in Sitemaps XML format.


Hide from Dynamic ResultsToggle on to prevent this asset from showing up in dynamic list modules.

For details, see List module.
Disabled FeaturesList of features that are not included in this asset on the front end, such as an action bar.
Exclude from Search ResultsToggle on to prevent this asset from showing up in search results on your site.




TranscriptsA list of transcripts associated with this video. One of the transcripts is machine-generated (if this feature is enabled for your version of ). You can modify the transcript, and click add_circle_outline Add Transcript to enter your own. The transcript is not visible to visitors to your site. For more information about transcription, see Amazon Transcribe.

Timed CompanionsAdd a list of promos that appear at specific timestamps as visitors play the video. For information about adding companion content to a video, see Creating companion content for audio or video.

TitleText appearing in the asset's <title> tag. Brightspot automatically populates this field from data on the Main tab, and you can override this as needed by entering a new title.
Suppress SEO Display NameIf toggled on, your site's name will not appear in the <title> tag and subsequently in search results.
DescriptionText appearing in the asset's <meta name="description"> tag. Brightspot automatically populates this field from data on the Main tab, and you can override this as needed by entering a new description.
RobotsText appearing in the item’s <meta name="robots"> tag.

For an explanation of the available options, see Robots Meta Directives.


Video Page Styles

PresetSelect one of the following:
  • None—Applies styling from the site's theme.
  • Custom—Opens a form to customize the site's theme for this asset.
  • (Various)—Aside from None or Custom, there may be additional options in this list depending on the value selected in the Template field. If the selected template has presets, then those presets are able to be selected in this list and applied. For information about configuring template presets, see Creating a template preset.
Hide CategoryToggle on to hide the categories of the assets included in the list module.
Aside PlacementSelect one of the options, Left or Right, to override the position of an aside layout block. For more information see Above, Aside, and Below layout blocks.
Restricted Video ImageSelect an image to display when a visitor attempts to view a restricted video, such as a video requiring a paid subscription.

The information on this tab presents a graphical or tabular representation of this asset's analytics. For information about configuring analytics ingestion and presentation, see Brightspot Analytics and Google Analytics.

LocaleSets the content's locale. This setting can also be used to auto-localize content based on the users requested locale.

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