Brightspot Integrations Guide

Setting up an Adobe Analytics devices report

Devices reports lend insight into the device your visitors use to visit your site (for example, mobile, tablet, and other devices like desktop). You configure a devices report only after importing a report suite, which populates the metrics required to build the devices report. For details on importing a report suite, see Importing an Adobe Analytics report suite.

Adobe Analytics Device Report Example.png Adobe Analytics Device Report Example.png

To set up an Adobe Analytics devices report:

  1. Click menu > Adobe Analytics > Report Suites.
  2. Select the report suite in which you want to configure the device report.
  3. In the Reporting tab, under Reports, select Devices Report.

    The following fields have values that are dynamically populated by Adobe Analytics. What you select in the following fields depends entirely on your specific project, business needs, report suite, API, and other variables; therefore, Brightspot recommends performing an analysis on these components before selecting values in the following fields. For that reason, this topic does not (and cannot) provide exact values.

    For more information on metrics in Adobe Analytics, see Metrics overview.

  4. Under Device Category Dimension, select a dimension (for example, Mobile Device Type (variables/mobiledevicetype)).
  5. Under Screen Page Views Metric, select a metric (for example, Page Views (metrics/pageviews)).
  6. Click Save.

After saving, you can view information related to how current your metrics are by checking the report's Reporting tab.

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Setting up an Adobe Analytics page report
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Setting up an Adobe Analytics referral report
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