Configuring localized static text to change display names

You can configure localized static text to change display names, like the name of an available delivery method for the purposes of notifications, in Brightspot. This is helpful for editors who want to customize the Brightspot UI. This topic contains an example of how to change the display name of a notification delivery method.

Localized text display name example.png Localized text display name example.png
A delivery method with its name customized to "New Delivery Method Name"

To configure localized static text to change display names:

  1. Follow steps 1–5a in Configuring localized static text.
  2. In the Name field, enter the fully qualified class name of the view you are localizing. For this example, enter com/psddev/cms/notification/BrowserDeliveryOption.
    To find fully-qualified class names in Brightspot, for the sake of editing other display names in a similar manner, see Providing field data to developers.
  3. Under Entries, click add_circle_outline.
  4. In the Key field, enter the key for the static text you are localizing. For this example, enter displayName.
  5. In the Value field, enter the localized text. For this example, enter the new display name of the notification delivery method. For this example, enter New Delivery Method Name. Your form should look similar to the following:
    Changing delivery method name via localized static text.png Changing delivery method name via localized static text.png
  6. Click Save.

Brightspot then changes the display name for the value you input.

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