Creating a user

This topic describes how to create a user in Brightspot.

To create a user:

  1. Click menu > Admin > Users & Roles.
  2. In the Users widget, click New Tool User.
  3. Using the following tables as a reference, complete the fields as needed.
  4. Click Save.

The following tables describe the available user settings.

Main tab

PermissionsUser’s roles.

  • Full Access—Default setting. The user has no role and therefore has all permissions.
  • Roles—Select from the list of existing roles to assign a role to this user.
  • Site Specific Roles—Click add_circle_outline to select specific sites and assign existing roles to these sites. For details, see Assigning site-specific roles.
For an explanation of roles, see Creating a role.
NameThe user's name. Brightspot displays this name for any content that this user creates or edits. The name also appears in various widgets.
EmailUser’s email address. If blank, Brightspot applies the user’s username.
UsernameName with which user logs in to Brightspot.
PasswordUser’s password.
  • Change—Displays fields for adding or changing a user’s password.
  • Keep Same—Retains current password. If you are creating a new user and select this option, the user will not be able to log in.
Change password on loginForces the user to change the password on next login.
AvatarUser’s avatar. The avatar appears in the header and in various Brightspot widgets.
  • None—No avatar associated with the user.
  • New Upload—Displays a field for uploading an avatar.
  • New URL—Displays a field for entering an avatar’s URL.
LocaleUser’s language and location. Brightspot's appearance changes to the selected language. For example, if you select Spanish, Brightspot appears in Spanish. If the selected language is not available, Brightspot appears in English.
Time ZoneUser’s time zone.
Phone NumberUser’s phone number for receiving text messages from Brightspot. For information about receiving text messages from Brightspot, see Notifications.
Guide OpenToggle on to cause Production Guides to display opened by default each time the user logs in to Brightspot.
Site Owner Filter OverrideFilters search results by site owner.
  • Current Site—The user only sees content in search results owned by the current site.
  • All Sites (None Selected)—The user sees content in search results owned by any site.
  • Select—The user sees content in search results owned by the sites you select.
Content LocaleThe locale used as the locale on newly created content.
Search Locale OverrideThe locale selected by default in search results.
Delivery MethodsAvailable default delivery methods. For more information, see Delivery methods.
SubscriptionsAvailable default subscriptions. For more information, see Subscriptions.
Automatic SubscriptionsAutomatic subscriptions configured by the Brightspot administrator. Users can specify delivery methods for all such subscriptions as well as opt out of them. For more information, see Reviewing, overriding, and opting out of shared and automatic subscriptions.

CMS tab

DashboardSettings for user’s dashboard.

Edit Existing ContentList of existing content items appearing in this user’s Quick Start widget. To add content, click add_circle_outline and use the content picker to retrieve the desired assets.
Content Templates
Global DefaultsList of default templates available to the user. If blank, user inherits the role’s default templates (if any). For more information, see Creating a user-level content template.
Global ExtrasList of extra templates available to the user. If blank, user inherits the role’s extra templates (if any). For more information, see Creating a user-level content template.
Site Specific DefaultsOverrides default templates for individual sites. If blank, user inherits the role’s site-specific default templates (if any). For more information, see Creating a user-level content template.
Site Specific ExtrasOverrides extra templates for individual sites. If blank, user inherits the role’s extra templates (if any). For more information, see Creating a user-level content template.
Preview Editor EnabledWhen clicking on a field in the preview pane, the cursor jumps to the corresponding field in the content edit form.
Enable GuidesEnable or disable Production Guides for the user. For details, see Production guides.
Enable Pre Publish ActionsEnable or disable Pre-publish actions for the user. For details, see Pre-publishing actions.
Enable Post Publish ActionsEnable or disable Post-publish actions for the user. For details, see Post-publishing actions.
Open Post Publish Actions AutomaticallySet whether the Post-publish actions pop-up menu displays immediately after publishing an asset.
Enable Preview To EditEnable or disable Preview to edit for the user. For details, see Preview to edit.
Inline EditingItems user can edit using the inline editor.

  • Inherited—Inline editing settings flow from the settings at the global site. For information about making settings at the global site, see Global site settings.
  • Disabled—Inline editor is not available.
  • Only Main Content—User can edit the item but not its subsidiary items.
  • All Contents—User can edit the item and subsidiary items. For example, if an article contains an author item, the user can modify both the article and the author.
Return to Dashboard on SaveIf toggled on, the user automatically returns to dashboard after saving changes to content.
Return to Dashboard on WorkflowIf toggled on, the user automatically returns to dashboard after adding content to a workflow.
Disable Navigate Away AlertIf toggled on, the user does not receive a message when leaving the content edit page without saving or publishing. The following illustration is an example of a navigate-away alert.

Profile Disable Navigate Away Alert.png Profile Disable Navigate Away Alert.png
Disable Work In ProgressDisables the work-in-progress feature. When enabled, this feature maintains live backups of work if a Brightspot session unexpectedly ends. For more information, see Work in progress.
Global Theme OverrideTheme serving as the user’s top-level global theme. All theme settings flow down from this theme unless overridden at a lower level. Regardless, when publishing content, Brightspot uses the site theme’s settings. For more information, see Configuring a user's theme overrides. ML: Missing hyperlink here.
Excluded ClassesExcludes users from accessing certain functionality in Brightspot based on the Java class name responsible for the functionality. For details on how to discover Java class names, see Viewing field data for developers.
Global Theme OverrideOverrides the front-end theme applied to all sites. This setting impacts what the user sees when previewing content; when publishing content, Brightspot uses the site's theme. This setting is primarily used for quality assurance in case a user needs to test out the presentation of a different theme while maintaining the theme set to the site on the live site.
Site Theme OverridesOverrides the front-end theme applied to the sites you define. This setting impacts what the user sees when previewing content; when publishing content, Brightspot uses the site’s theme. This setting is primarily used for quality assurance in case a user needs to test out the presentation of a different theme while maintaining the theme set to the site on the live site.

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Everything you need to know when creating, managing, and administering content within Brightspot CMS.

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