The source files of assets imported from Google Drive may change from time to time. In order to ensure the assets published on Brightspot are the most current version, you must sync them with the sour...
You can import tags, sections, or users into Brightspot from an Microsoft spreadsheet on Microsoft Drives. To import a Microsoft Spreadsheet: In the header, click the search field to open the search p...
You can import articles, blog posts, press releases, and documents into Brightspot from a Word document on Microsoft Drives. To import a Microsoft Drives Word document: In the header, click the search...
If a Microsoft Drives document is edited after being imported to Brightspot, you can re-import its latest version to Brightspot. To re-import a Microsoft Drives document: In the header, click the sear...
Before you can import Microsoft Drives documents into Brightspot, you must first authenticate with your Microsoft Drives account. To authenticate with Microsoft Drives: Ensure that your Brightspot env...
You can import Microsoft OneDrive and Microsoft Sharepoint documents into Brightspot. This integration is helpful for editors who want to import their Microsoft documents into the same context they us...