Icon Glossary

The following Material icons appear throughout Brightspot.

Icons for the rich-text editor

IconIcon nameDescription
border_allborder_allAdds a table.
cancelcancelRejects a tracked change while in full-screen mode.
check_circlecheck_circleAccepts a tracked change while in full-screen mode.
chrome_reader_modechrome_reader_modeAdds a field definition table.
closecloseRemoves a comment.
codecodeEnables keying raw HTML.
commentcommentAdds a comment.
format_align_centerformat_align_centerCenters text.
format_align_leftformat_align_leftLeft-aligns text.
format_align_rightformat_align_rightRight-aligns text.
format_boldformat_boldSets text in boldface.
format_clearformat_clearRemoves direct formatting.
format_indent_decreaseformat_indent_decreaseDecreases indent; promotes list level.
format_indent_increaseformat_indent_increaseIncrease indent; demotes list level.
format_italicformat_italicSets text in italic.
format_list_bulletedformat_list_bulletedApplies bullet to a paragraph.
format_list_numberedformat_list_numberedApplies numbering to a paragraph.
format_quoteformat_quoteApplies a pull quote.
format_strikethroughformat_strikethroughSets text in strikethrough.
format_underlineformat_underlineSets text in underline.
fullscreenfullscreenStarts full-screen editing.
keyboardkeyboardOpens the virtual keyboard.
linklinkAdds internal or external link.
list_altlist_altAdds an instruction list.
more_horizmore_horizShows/hides comments.
photophotoAdds an image.
post_addpost_addAdds a snippet.
redoredoReverses a previous undo.
searchsearchSearches within rich-text editor.
settings_ethernetsettings_ethernetInserts a code block.
short_textshort_textInserts inline code.
textsmstextsmsAdds a callout.
toggle_offtoggle_offToggles tracked changes.
undoundoReverses and editing action.
vertical_align_bottomvertical_align_bottomSets text in subscript.
vertical_align_topvertical_align_topSets text in superscript.

Icons for forms and widgets

IconIcon nameDescription
addaddCreates a new item; adds an item to a list.
add_circle_outlineadd_circle_outlineAdds an asset to a selection field; opens a configuration form.
assignmentassignmentCopies value to the clipboard.
attachmentattachmentIndicates assignment is a file.
Magic Button auto_awesomeIndicates availability of artificial intelligence for a field.
blockblockErases a selected hex value from the color picker; the associated field inherits the default color.
brushbrushModifies Brightspot's theme; modifies an image.
cancel_presentationcancel_presentationReturns Styleguide preview to the theme's settings.
check_boxcheck_boxCheck box marked.
chat_bubblechat_bubbleShows/hides the Conversation widget in the content edit form.
check_box_outline_blankcheck_box_outline_blankCheck box cleared.
chevron_leftchevron_leftDisplays previous page in a list of assets, such as the search panel.
chevron_rightchevron_rightDisplays next page in a list of assets, such as the search panel.
clearclearRemoves a filter in the search panel; removes an asset from a list.
closecloseCloses a widget.
content_copycontent_copyCopies text in a widget.
date_rangedate_rangeOpens the date picker.
donedoneIndicates active tab in content edit form; indicates selected assets in a dropdown list.
drag_indicatordrag_indicatorDrags and drops an item from one list to another.
editeditEdits an item, such as an asset in a selection field, a post in a conversation, or an advanced query.
first_pagefirst_pageDisplays first page in a list of assets, such as in the search panel.
flipflipFlips an image vertically.
flipflipFlips an image horizontally.
fullscreenfullscreenPlaces search panel in full-screen mode.
helphelpDisplays information about a field.
historyhistoryShows/hides the Version History widget in the content edit form.
infoinfoDisplays information about a field.
infoinfoIndicates an error.
insert_photoinsert_photoIndicates assignment is a graphic.
keyboard_arrow_downkeyboard_arrow_downOpens date picker in Assignment Desk dashboard; expands widgets and accordions.
keyboard_arrow_upkeyboard_arrow_upCloses date picker in Assignment Desk dashboard; collapses widgets and accordions.
last_pagelast_pageDisplays lat page in a list of assets, such as in the search panel.
low_prioritylow_priorityRe-arranges assets within a list.
manage_searchmanage_searchShows/hides the Version History widget in the content edit form.
menumenuOpens the navigation menu.
more_horizmore_horizOpens a menu.
notificationsnotificationsIndicates new notifications are available.
notifications_nonenotifications_noneIndicates there are no new notifications.
open_in_newopen_in_newOpens preview pane in new browser tab.
photo_cameraphoto_cameraIndicates assignment is a photograph.
previewpreviewRenders the Styleguide preview with current selections for a theme or template.
publishpublishBulk uploads images; adds images to a gallery.
push_pinpush_pinPins a message in an asset's conversation.
refreshrefreshRefreshes a list of assets associated with an assignment.
refreshrefreshResets filters in the search widget and refreshes the results.
removeremoveRemoves an asset from a list.
remove_circleremove_circleRemoves a status from a workflow.
remove_red_eyeremove_red_eyeShows preview pane.
replyreplyReplies to a comment in a conversation.
rotate_90_degrees_ccwrotate_90_degrees_ccwRotates image 90 degrees counter-clockwise.
rotate_90_degrees_ccwrotate_90_degrees_ccwRotates image 90 degrees clockwise.
savesaveSaves a draft.
searchsearchOpens search panel; opens content picker.
settingssettingsConfigures filters in the search panel; opens GraphQL settings.
slideshowslideshowIndicates assignment is a video.
starstarIndicates content type is a favorite in the Quick Start widget.
star_borderstar_borderIndicates content type is available to be a favorite in the Quick Start widget.
subjectsubjectIndicates assignment is an article.
swap_horizswap_horizPositions assets in a horizontal gallery; lists stories imported from Brightspot into InDesign.
toggle_offtoggle_offOption toggled off.
toggle_ontoggle_onOption toggled on.
unfold_moreunfold_moreDisplays previews of all images in a gallery while in list view.
view_columnview_columnApplies equal widths of column in customized dashboards.
volume_upvolume_upIndicates assignment is an audio.
widgetswidgetsShows/hides the Publishing Tools, URLs, and Sites widgets in the content edit form.

Browse All Docs

Everything you need to know when creating, managing, and administering content within Brightspot CMS.

Admin configurations
A guide for installing, supporting, extending, modifying and administering code on the Brightspot platform.

Field types
Content modeling
Rich-text elements
A guide to configuring Brightspot's library of integrations, including pre-built options and developer-configured extensions.

Google Analytics
Apple News
Brightspot is packaged with content types that get you up and running in a matter of days, including assets, modules and landing pages.

Landing pages
Our robust, flexible Design System provides hundreds of pre-built components you can use to build the presentation layer of your dreams.

Asset types
Module types
Page types