Maximizing your site's performance
"Performance" for computer applications typically means response times: from the time you initiate a task, how much time is required to complete it? Before the Internet, application performance centered around input times (punch cards, keyboard, disk drive), processing times (microprocessor, memory), and output times (monitor, tape, disk drive, printer). Since the dawn of the Internet, an additional factor affects performance: network transport.
In today's application environment, input, processing, and output times are remarkably low. In fact, Brightspot runs on high-performance Amazon web servers that have accrued years of demonstrated reliability. Furthermore, Brightspot itself is optimized to ensure editors and visitors have a seamless experience. Editors quickly key in text, upload media, and find ancillary assets to use in their content. Visitors see web pages that are optimized for desktop or mobile screens. Nevertheless, the network infrastructure that transmits text and images over thousands of miles can cause delays.