Understanding dynamic list settings

Dynamic lists populate list items (like assets and landing pages) automatically on your site according to a combination of settings and filters. This topic explains the dynamic list settings available in Brightspot.

Dynamic list settings.png Dynamic list settings.png


Select the pool of content types from which Brightspot pulls to generate the dynamic list.


Select by what order the dynamic list is sorted. The following options are available:
  • Alphabetical - A-Z—Sorts the dynamic list in alphabetical order from A to Z.
  • Alphabetical - Z-A—Sorts the dynamic list in reverse alphabetical order from Z to A.
  • Newest Publish Date—Sorts the dynamic list by newest publish date.
  • Oldest Publish Date—Sorts the dynamic list by oldest publish date.
If you have configured analytics for your site, you can also sort by page views.

Items Per Page

Determines how many list items are displayed in the dynamic list. Brightspot supports 1-30 list items per page.

Filtering Rules

Filtering applies rules that a list item must satisfy to be included in the dynamic list. The following filters are available

NoneNo filters are applied to the dynamic list.
All MatchList items must match all rules.

When scanning for items to include in the list, Brightspot only includes those items that match the all the rules. For example, a visitor is viewing an article that contains this list. The list includes list items that match each of the following rules together:
  • Authored by Tanner Peterson
  • Tagged with Culture
Dynamic List All Match.png Dynamic List All Match.png

Any Match
List items must match at least one rule.

When scanning for items to include in the list, Brightspot includes any items that match at least one rule. For example, a visitor is viewing an article that contains this list. The list includes any list items that match either one of the following rules:
  • Authored by Tanner Peterson
  • Published in the last 14 days
Dynamic List Any Match.png Dynamic List Any Match.png
AuthorsList items must be associated with the selected authors.

When scanning for items to include in the list, Brightspot includes only those list items that are associated with the selected authors. For example, a visitor is viewing an article that contains this list. This list includes list items that are associated with the following author:
  • Tanner Peterson
If you select multiple authors, Brightspot returns results associated with any of the selected authors.

Dynamic List Authors.png Dynamic List Authors.png
BlogsList items must be associated with the selected blog.

When scanning for items to include in the list, Brightspot includes only those list items that are associated with the selected blogs. For example, a visitor is viewing an article that contains this list. This list includes list items that are associated with the following blog:
  • Brightspot Blog
If you select multiple blogs, Brightspot returns results associated with any of the selected blogs.

Dynamic List Blogs Filter.png Dynamic List Blogs Filter.png
Date RangeList items must match the time period specified in the filter.

When scanning for items to include in the list, Brightspot includes only those items published during the specified time period. For example, a visitor is viewing an article that contains this list. The list includes list items that were published in the last 14 days.
Dynamic List Date Range.png Dynamic List Date Range.png
None MatchList items must exclude all rules.

When scanning for items to include in the list, Brightspot only includes those items that do not match the specified rules. For example, if a visitor is viewing an article that contains this list, the list includes list items that do not match the following rules:
  • Authored by Tanner Peterson
  • Published in the last 30 days.
Based on these rules, Brightspot only returns list items that are authored by any editor other than Tanner Peterson, and only list items published more than 30 days ago.
Dynamic List None Match.png Dynamic List None Match.png
SectionsList items must be associated with the sections specified in the filter.

For example, a visitor is viewing an article that contains this list. The list includes list items associated with the following sections:
  • Our Mission
  • Our Work
Brightspot ignores all other sections not selected in this filter.
Dynamic List Sections.png Dynamic List Sections.png
TagsList items must be associated with the tags selected in the filter.

When scanning for items to include in this list, Brightspot includes only those items that match the specified tags. For example, a visitor is viewing an article that contains this list. The list includes list items that match the following tags:
  • Culture
  • Employees
Brightspot ignores all other tags not selected in this filter.
Dynamic List Tags.png Dynamic List Tags.png
Include Current toggleWhen an editor builds a dynamic list, filters determine what populates the list. Some filters include an Include Current toggle.

One such filter is Authors. Below is an example of how this functionality works with the Authors filter.

You are an editor, and one of your staff has just written an article. You want the readers of this article to see other articles that the author has written; however, you also want two other things:
  • You want to do this for every author on the articles they write.
  • You only want to create this list once, preventing yourself from having to create a new list for each author on your staff.
This is where the Include Current toggle comes in. When a dynamic list is placed on an asset, like an article, Brightspot checks the author of the asset. Brightspot then populates the list with other assets the author has created. That means that the dynamic list can be created once, then placed on different assets with different authors, and Brightspot will always identify the author first before populating the list with assets relevant to that author.

The Include Current toggle also exists in the Tags and Sections filters. In both cases, Brightspot checks the tag or section associated to the asset a visitor is currently viewing, then populates the list with other assets that share this tag or section.

Pinned Items

Allows you to pin the following list items to the top of the dynamic list so that they are always visible:
  • Ad Module—Allows you to pin an ad to the top of the dynamic list.
  • Dynamic Page Result—Allows you to pin a placeholder among your other pinned list items that defaults to another dynamically generated result. Use this when you want a dynamically generated list item in between other pinned list items.
  • Dynamic Promo—Allows you to dynamically inject a promo in the top of the list. For example, you may want to dynamically inject the most viewed article in the top of the list, but leave the rest based on tag.
  • HTML Embed Module—Allows you to pin embedded HTML.
  • Iframe Embed Module—Allows you to pin an embedded Iframe.
  • Promo—Allows you to pin a promo module.

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Asset types
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Page types
Brightspot is packaged with content types that get you up and running in a matter of days, including assets, modules and landing pages.

Content types
Landing pages
Everything you need to know when creating, managing, and administering content within Brightspot CMS.

Admin configurations
A guide for installing, supporting, extending, modifying and administering code on the Brightspot platform.

Field types
Content modeling
Rich-text elements
A guide to configuring Brightspot's library of integrations, including pre-built options and developer-configured extensions.

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