Brightspot Releases

v4.7.16 release

Release date: August 1, 2024

v4.7.16 had three improvements and 17 bug fixes.

Significant improvements

  • Artifacts are built and published only as needed.
  • The file _helpers.js is now transpiled.
  • The Shelf has been recoded to allow for more customizations.

Significant defects addressed

  • Corrected an issue throwing an error when attempting to add published assets to a schedule.
  • Corrected an issue preventing the Update Date column from appearing in the search panel when filtering on specific content types.
  • Corrected an issue throwing a NullPointerException when executing a test with com.psddev.contentreporting.ContentReportPageTest.
  • Corrected an issue preventing proper rendering of {{~render this '' ~}} in Styleguide.
  • Corrected an issue causing the content edit form to scroll to the bottom when creating a subsidiary asset, such as creating an assignment from a pitch.
  • Corrected an issue causing sitemap namespaces to use identifiers starting with https instead of the required http.
  • Corrected an issue throwing a NoCurrentWebRequestException when attempting to initialize a collection field.
  • Corrected an issue preventing proper operation of Brightspot when clicking Publish and then quickly opening another form such as Edit Global.
  • Corrected an issue causing bookmarks in Microsoft Word documents to be imported as links instead of as plain text.
  • Corrected an issue preventing proper pasting of rich text from Microsoft Word into the rich-text editor.
  • Corrected an issue preventing proper rendering of assets in the preview pane when selecting a small device size.
  • Corrected an issue causing the more icon more_horiz to disappear after converting a module between shared and inline in the content edit form.
  • Corrected an issue throwing a JavaScript error when clicking more_horiz > Source Data in an image.
  • Corrected an issue throwing a ClassCastException when attempting to copy a hotspot.
  • Corrected an issue preventing a GraphQL CMA's detection of a content type when adding a StorageItem asset by URL.
  • Corrected an issue causing a signature error when making calls to Amazon Translate.
  • Accessibility—improved keyboard navigation and screen reader announcements pertaining to the rich-text editor's toolbar.
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