Brightspot Releases

v4.7.3 release

Release date: December 16, 2022

v4.7.3 included the following:

  • 6 bug fixes
  • 5 new features
  • 25 improvements

Significant new features

  • Editors can create contextual edits on an asset's shared lead image. For example, Adam added a shared image as a lead for an article. Adam now has the ability to edit this image so it appears differently in the lead, but appears as the original image everywhere else it is used.
  • Editors can import Google Docs as articles, blog posts and documents.
  • Editors can import Google Sheets as sections or tags.

Significant improvements

  • The module picker now has a search field for quickly finding a specific module or style.
  • Shared previews now include a link that opens the underlying asset in the content edit page.
  • Saved searches now remember the editor's selected tab and exposed fields. For example, an editor saves a search MySearch while in board view and showing only the label field. The next time the editor runs MySearch, the results will be in board view and showing only the label field.
  • Imports from Google Drive now include the following fields: name, owner, file type, last modified date, and last modified by.
  • Watches and watchers:
    • Editors are now added to an asset's watchers list after they save or publish the asset. (Editors can opt-out of this feature.)
    • The Watchers popup is now opened from the content edit actions menu.
    • Improved synchronization between the watchers and conversation widgets.
    • When copying an asset, the watchers are no longer carried to the new asset.
    • Depending on permissions, an editor can remove other editors from a list of watchers.
  • There is no longer a For Editors tab in field level notes. (Depending on permissions, clicking help in a field now displays information for developers only.) Editors now see field-level explanations in production guides.
  • Editors can now receive a notification when an administrator uploads a new file, or applies a new URL, to a remote theme.
  • GraphQL:
    • Elements associated with the @ImageAttributes annotation are more widely available through GraphQL.
    • Image-editor settings are no longer available through GraphQL.
    • Added image orientation metadata to CDA ImageAttributes.
    • Added support for generic Map fields to CMA, rCDA.
    • Added focus points as a function of an image's size grouping to CDA, rCDA.
    • Added suggested focus points to CDA, rCDA if those suggested points were actually applied to an image.
    • Theme fields in CDA schema are now captured in a separate _Theme entry field.

Significant defects addressed

  • Preview-to-edit:
    • Corrected an error that prevented editing of embedded or shared objects using preview-to-edit.
    • Corrected labeling of the rich-text editor field in preview-to-edit.
  • Corrected an error that caused the Watchers widget to time out for a very large number of watchers.
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